Offering to Our Dear GOD

Sadhana (Spiritual Practice) is a process for self-improvement and self-enrichment; it is a tool that brings out the best in all of us. Importantly, Swami asked each of us to “Remember that you are that changeless original--the Atma (Self). All your sadhanas should be directed towards establishing yourself in this firm conviction and unwavering faith” (SSS 24.1). Sadhana will help us towards our well-being by bringing out this true nature inherent in all of us.

Based on the teachings of our beloved Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba and in lines with the National Sadhana of Love initiative, the Sai Reflection Day team has put together focused sadhana items for coordinators, teachers, parents and children involved in SSE Program at Sathya Sai Baba Centers of Northern California & Nevada (Region 7). We hope you take part in this collective pledge and enjoy your spiritual journey towards Parthi Pilgrimage 2017 and beyond.

Click on each of the four Spiritual Practice steps below to see select list of sadhana items. Members are also encouraged to avail the monthly tracker available on this website and print it on a double sided sheet to track their progress offline on a regular basis.

Group Spiritual Practice Frequency Trigger Progress Indicator(s)
Adults 21 Om chanting + 9 Gayathri's Daily After waking up or during morning prayers Buddy: Pair up with a buddy to help/ track each other
Adults 100% attendance to center towards SRD Weekly Try taking care of weekend-non-center commitments on Saturday Buddy System
Adults Exercise/walk 30 minutes At least weekly thrice Before going to bath; After coming home; Buddy Buddy System, Logging workout results
SSE G1 and above: 3x Om’s; G4: plus 3x Gayathri/ Peace Prayer Daily After waking up or during morning prayers Tracker
SSE Attend 100% all SSE classes this quarter Weekly Take care of weekend-non-SSE activities on Saturday Tracker
SSE Exercise for 15 minutes At least weekly twice Before taking shower; weekend Tracker
Group Spiritual Practice Frequency Trigger Progress Indicator(s)
Adults Swami’s discourses, Thursday Live on Radiosai At least weekly thrice Listen during commute; Watch while relaxing Buddy System
Adults Two service activities (1 center coordinated) At least monthly twice Sign up in advance and set reminders Tracker
Adults Consciously teach “sharing” to your students/ kids At least weekly once During SSE; During family time Tracker
SSE G1: Uncle Lion series; G2, G3: FMLM Series; G4: Radiosai Satsanghs At least weekly twice Bedtime, breaktime Tracker
SSE Monthly service activities At least monthly once Sign up in advance; set reminders Tracker
SSE Share toys, cookies, etc with siblings, parents or friends At least weekly once During play time; During snack time Tracker
Group Spiritual Practice Frequency Trigger Progress Indicator(s)
Adults Avoid any social media (TV, News, WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, etc) At least weekly 5 days Music, Reading, Walking Buddy System, Tracker
Adults Home cooked meals with one serving of fruits two serving of veggies Note: If can’t avoid eating out, eat healthy,, less junk/processed food. At least weekly 5 days Meal time, break time, vacation time, weekends. Regular weekend shopping for healthy groceries, Tracker
Adults Avoid 4 bad practices: Be vegetarian, Be teetotaler, Avoid Smoking, Avoid Gambling. Daily Meal Time; Social Gatherings Tracker
SSE Avoid any social media/ TV At least weekly 3 days At home; breaktime Tracker
SSE Home cooked meals with one serving of fruits two serving of veggies Daily Meal time, Fruits and vegetable shopping Tracker
SSE Be Vegetarian Daily Meal time, break time, vacation time, weekends Tracker
Group Spiritual Practice Frequency Trigger Progress Indicator(s)
Adults Chanting a favorite name of the Lord 108 times At least weekly twice After/ during morning prayers Tracker
Adults Practise Sathya Sai Baba’s Light (Jyoti) Meditation Daily After morning prayers or before going to sleep. Tracker
Adults Read elevating literature about the Self At least weekly 4 days Bedtime ritual or any other convenience time Buddy System
SSE Chanting “Om Sri Sai Ram” 11 times At least weekly twice Saturday & Sunday or other convenient days Tracker
SSE Taking deep breaths (Soham). G1/G2 10x; G3 and above 27x. Daily After morning prayers or before going to sleep. Tracker
SSE Chinna Katha, Comic Books on Radiosai At least weekly 4 days Bedtime ritual or any other convenience time Tracker

Please find below more details to the some key topics/ words used in the suggested spiritual practices section on this website.

Terms Explanation
SSE SSE stands for Sai Spiritual Education. Please see the region 7 website for more details on the program.
Aum For significance of "Aum" please see explanation provided on
Gayatri Mantra Gayatri Mantra is a Universal Prayer. Here Sathya Sai Baba chants the Gayatri mantra and explains its significance
Peace Prayer Please find meaning and an audio of Peace Prayer Here
Radio Sai Global Harmony To know all about Radio Sai please watch the video on the radiosai website HERE
Soham Here is a discourse on "Soham - The Right Sadhana" delivered by Sathya Sai Baba.
Ceiling on Desires Here is a Study Guide on Ceiling on Desires.
FLML Series You can listen to or download the audio's Here. Use the search keyword "Fleeting Moments Lasting Memories" in the description field and click submit.
Jyothi meditation Read here a compilation on Meditation based on Sathya Sai Baba's discourses.
self-Sacrifice For details on self-Sacrifice please review the Sadhana of Love programme