Saturday, July 7, 2012
9:30 am to 12:30 pm (refreshments provided)
Divine Science Community Center
1540 Hicks Avenue San Jose, CA 95125
Spiritual Self-Confidence
Pre-Registration required! Registration closes Monday, July 2, 2012 at midnight. There is no wait-list option after July 2nd.

"Absence of self-confidence is the cause of all miseries and troubles man encounters in the world. One should have confidence in his own inner Self that is the Aathma. If one has this self- confidence, he will have self-satisfaction, which will lead to self-sacrifice. Self-sacrifice leads to liberation or Self-Realisation. Everything is based on "Self" and everyone is Aathmaswaruupa (embodiment of the Self)." BABA, SSS 26-14
Trust in God: the sole protector