Completely prepare the meeting hall at least 15 minutes before the devotion meeting starts. Keep the altar simple some flowers, the sarva dharma symbol, perhaps a picture of Sathya Sai Baba. There should be plenty of chairs so that those who do not want to sit on the floor can be accomodated. If there is a consensus about this among the members, an image or symbol of the local main religions may also be placed in the devotional area. Guidance on these issues may be requested from the presiding body
General Guidelines+
A Sathya Sai Center is a spiritual center where universality of faith and practice of human values are emphasized.Maintain Center premises and an altar that is simple, universal, and in accordance with guidelines.
A Center meeting does not have to have an altar with pictures or statues.
Completely prepare the meeting hall at least 15 minutes before the devotion meeting starts. Keep the altar simple —some flowers, the sarva dharma symbol, perhaps a picture of Sathya Sai Baba.
There should be plenty of chairs so that those who do not want to sit on the floor can be accommodated.
If there is a consensus about this among the members, an image or symbol of the local main religions may also be placed in the devotional area. Guidance on these issues may be requested
The altar area should be inviting to all people; it should be appealing to people of religions as far as possible. Swami has said that no picture is necessary, but if you have to have one, have one of Him.
The Center premises should be neutral to all religions and religious traditions. Quotations from Sathya Sai Baba may be placed on the walls, together with universal quotations from the major World Religions. Sai Baba has said that no picture is necessary, but if you must have one, have one of Him.
No Center program should include rituals or practices that relate to one faith or religion in particular. The aim should be to create harmony between Sathya Sai Baba’s teachings and local traditions.
It is strongly recommended that the Center’s devotional program be conducted in a manner that persons from all the different faith backgrounds can easily understand and relate to. The focus must be on unity, with appropriate consideration given to cultural relevance.
Study circles on other faiths are encouraged to emphasize the unity of all faiths.
Center devotion meetings, including devotional singing and study circles, are open to all — members, newcomers, and visitors.
* Operations Manual for Centers and Groups - International Sathya Sai Organization
The Logo of Sathya Sai Organizations+
At the top of this page is the logo of the International Sai Organization. We ask that you respect it and don't use it except for Sai Organization matters.
Sathya Sai International Organization -
What decorations, pictures, and statues are appropriate in a Sai Baba Center and why?+
Sathya Sai Baba has said that our altars should consist of a flame. He has said that a picture is not necessary, but if we want one, have one of Him. The Sai Center altar should be adorned simply and without unnecessary embellishments. Appropriate adornments include a candle/flame, some flowers, and perhaps vibuthi containers. Some centers also have a chair for Sathya Sai Baba, signifying His subtle presence at the meetings. “It is recommended that only the Sarva Dharma Symbol, photographs of Sathya Sai Baba and possibly Shirdi Sai Baba, quotations from Sathya Sai Baba, and uni- versally accepted quotations from the world’s major religions be posted in a Center.” Guidelines for American Sathya Sai Baba Centers, section 6. Displaying pictures and statues of various gods and goddesses is inappropriate because it implies that accepting or worshipping these gods is a necessary requisite for being a member or devotee. Such images also reinforce the incorrect impression that one or more particular religions are favored in the center over others. - FAQs Sathya Sai Organization of the United States
Logos, Sarva Dharma Symbols and Multi-faith Logo+
Pictures and Photos of Swami+