Dr. Sue Evans

Born and raised in the USA, Dr. Sue Evans has traveled widely, living in Norway, France, Switzerland and India. Dr. Evans first heard of Swami in 1975, first saw Him in 1976 and first spent time with Him at the ashram in 1983. Since that time she has made many, many trips to the feet of our Lord, and has made her home at Prasanthi Nilayam since May of 2004.

Not one to be idle, she keeps busy with work for the Easwaramma Women's Welfare Trust (EWWT), located on the ashram grounds and currently serves as the editor of the EWWT journal, "Mother Sathya Sai", having edited and published eight editions of the journal. In her spare time she writes and edits her own books and has edited numerous books for other women.

Dr. Evans has a varied academic background, including a Bachelor of Arts degree in romance languages from Duke University, a Master of Arts degree in public health, also from Duke and a PhD in educational psychology from the University of Arizona. Her working career, prior to retiring and moving to Prasanthi Nilayam, included working in the field of public health for six years and serving as a faculty member and assistant dean at the University of Arizona from 1990-2005. Her areas of specialization included speech, learning and development; especially moral development. During her years in Arizona Dr. Evans served as president of the Sathya Sai Baba Center of Tuscon.