Sing aloud the glory of God and charge the atmosphere with divine adoration . . . This is why I insist on group singing of the names of the Lord. (SSS, VI, 239)
[Devotional singing (bhajans)] is the process of singing that originates in the heart, not from the lips or the tongue. It is the expression of the joyous thrill that wells up from the heart when the Glory of God is remembered. It is the spontaneous manifestation of inner ecstasy. No attention is paid to the blame or praise that others may give. It does not seek the admiration or the appreciation of the listeners. (SSS X, 84)
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Practice Session Details - Region 7 +
Regional Bhajan Leaders +
Please consider an invitation to serve as a bhajan leader at regional events. If you love to lead bhajans and have had the experience of leading bhajans at your center or at regional events, please consider joining this group. Below are details.
Why assemble a group of bhajan leaders? •Typically, when we organize the devotional program for a regional event, we send out multiple communications requesting devotees to participate in bhajan leading. Many times, people do not come forward and we have to select people. When we select people, there are questions afterwards as to why we selected some people and not others. •To make the process fair and simple, the proposal is to assemble a group of 'Regional Bhajan Leaders"'.
Who can be part of this group? •We welcome any devotee who is a regular and experienced bhajan leader in their center or who has lead in regional events. •We would like it if devotees volunteer themselves; we will check with the center devotion coordinator as needed.
What is the devotee's responsibility? •Request devotees to sign up (see below) to lead solo, as a duet or in unison. •Be available to attend at least one practice session before the event and be available to lead bhajan at the regional event.
When will the 'Regional Bhajan Leaders' be invited to lead? •We will request 'Regional Bhajan Leaders' to lead at 'i to I Transformation' speaker series events and Global Akhanda Bhajans. •We may also tap into the 'Regional Bhajan Leaders' pool for other regional events such as the Regional Retreat, Women's Mini-Retreat, Sai Reflection Day and Swami's Birthday.
How may this process work? •'Regional Bhajan Leaders' group members would be notified of specific details on practice session etc. via email. So, please provide an email ID that you check periodically. •If a volunteer can serve, they proceed with the process outlined. It is understandable not all devotees will attend every regional event. In such a case, they reply that they cannot participate. There is no obligation.
Where do volunteers sign up?
Sign up > -
Multi-faith Prayers +
The Sai religion, if the name of religion in its literal sense of binding man to God is accepted, is the essence of all faiths and religions, including those like Islam, Christianity and Judaism. The motive behind the formation and propagation of all these different faiths is the same. The founders and propagators were all persons filled with love and wisdom. Their goal and purpose were the same. None had the design to divide, disturb, or destroy. They attempted to do good, see good and be good. They sought to train the passions and the emotions, to educate the impulses and instincts and direct the faculty of reason to paths beneficial to the individual and society. They knew that the mind, which is the breeding ground of desire and attachment, ambition and aspiration, has to be cleansed and properly oriented. Sai considers that practice of these disciplines is much more essential than blind faith in a bunch of philosophical theories. No one has the right to advise others unless he is already practicing what he preaches. First establish the reign of love between the various members in your own home. Let the family become a center of harmonious living, sympathetic understanding and mutual faith. (SSS Vol XIII - Chap 23)
Namo Tassa Bhagavato Arahato Samma Sambuddhassa
Buddham Sharanam Gatchami
Dhammam Sharanam Gatchami
Sangham Sharanam Gatchami
I seek refuge in the Buddha; I seek refuge in Dharma (Righteousness); I seek refuge in Sangha (Holy order/Community)
Our Father which Art in Heaven hallowed be Thy name
Thy kingdom come Thy will be done in Earth as it is in Heaven
Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our debts
As we forgive our debtors and lead us not into temptation
But deliver us from evil
For Thine is the Kingdom and the Power and the Glory Forever
Aum Bhoor Bhuvah Suvah
Tat Savithur Varenyam
Bhargo Devasya Dheemahi
Dhiyo Yonah Prachodayaat
Oh Mother, who subsists in all the three Kaalas (Time: Past, Present and Future), in all the three lokas (Lokas: Heaven, Earth and Lower Regions) and in all the three gunas (Gunas – Attributes: Sathwa, Rajas and Thamas) I pray to Thee, to illumine my intellect and dispel my ignorance just as the splendorous sunlight dispels all darkness. I pray to Thee to make my intellect serene and bright and enlightened.
Bismillah Ar-Rahman Ar-Raheem (3x)
La ilaha illallah, Allah Allah (x4)
In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful. None has the right to be worshipped in truth except Allah.
Sch’ma Yisrael, Adonai Eloheinu, Adonai Echad
Adonai Echad (2)
Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord
Ashem Vohu Vahisthem Asthi;
Ushtho Asthi Ushtho Ahamoi;
Hyath Ashoi Vahisthoi Ashem
Righteousness is the best good (and it) is happiness. Happiness(is) to him, who is righteous, for the sake of the best righteousness
Sai Gayathri
Aum Saayeeshvaraaya Vidhmahe
Sathya Devaaya Dheemahi
Thannassarvah Prachodayaath
I know through Gurus and Shastras (and by direct experience) that Sai is God Himself: He is Bhagavan and Iswara. I meditate on this form in my heart with all my mental faculties. He is the embodiment of truth, divinity, universal consciousness and one who pervades all the worlds. I pray to such a Sai to direct our intellects to engage in auspicious and righteous activities. I meditate on this great form.