Devotion Program >Resources > Multi-faith Initiative


The Sai religion, if the name of religion in its literal sense of binding man to God is accepted, is the essence of all faiths and religions, including those like Islam, Christianity and Judaism. The motive behind the formation and propagation of all these different faiths is the same. The founders and propagators were all persons filled with love and wisdom. Their goal and purpose were the same. None had the design to divide, disturb, or destroy. They attempted to do good, see good and be good. They sought to train the passions and the emotions, to educate the impulses and instincts and direct the faculty of reason to paths beneficial to the individual and society. They knew that the mind, which is the breeding ground of desire and attachment, ambition and aspiration, has to be cleansed and properly oriented.

Sai considers that practice of these disciplines is much more essential than blind faith in a bunch of philosophical theories. No one has the right to advise others unless he is already practicing what he preaches. First establish the reign of love between the various members in your own home. Let the family become a center of harmonious living, sympathetic understanding and mutual faith.

(SSS Vol XIII - Chap 23)


Multi-faith Initiative Summary  
Prayers & Praises From World Religions  
Multi Faith Chants
Multi Faith Logo  
Sacramento Sai Center Multi-faith songs
Multi Faith Audio Resources from
- click on Multi-faith in the Other Downloads section
Multi-faith Initiative Update - February 2016